Here are a few sights around Stellenbosch. Not least the Irish pub which didn't seem to have ever seen an Irish person. The other pics are random places around which I thought might amuse. For the names rather than what they actually are!
The pictures tell it all! This deserves a whole post of it's own! For any of you with any link or knowledge about Glasgow, there is a little pang of anxiety at the thought of a "Ned" bank! My first task here (literally upon arrival) in Stellenbosch was to deposit money into the Nedbank for my health insurance. There is a specific area for "Ned assist" if you have questions. To prove that I really am in Africa, there is an African shop with the Nedbank in the background.
Prior to the start of term there was a Community Festival with a bunch of live bands and food stalls and all. Amongst other things, encountered my first "Boerwurst" sausage from a stall and also the South African band FreshlyGround. I am assured they are well known outside of South Africa ...
An interesting pre-term ritual here known as "Trollies". Each of the residences (halls/dorms) decorates a shopping trolley (cart) and they race around an area of campus. One person in the trolley and one person pushing the trolley. The remaining residence people can dress up and cheer! Interesting event!! Managed to deny residence in Concordia at that point ...
Franschhoek is the town located over one set of mountains from Stellenbosch! It's a quaint touristy town located in the valley. It was first settled by the French Huguenots and in honour of them was built the Huguenot memorial (above).
The weather has been great since I got here. Still bizarre to be having a heat wave when the Charles River (Boston) is frozen and there is abundant amounts of snow and cold in the Northern Hemisphere! There have been a few days in the 40o's (100s) which has been a little warm roasty-toasty! And when it was 33oC (92oF) at midnight ... it was a little much without a fan or Air Conditioning! But mostly it's been pleasantly warm. After my scorching at the cloudy-day cricket I have been faithful with the sunscreen. And thus am still pealy-wally!
Here are some sunshine-y pictures of my first lodgings in the res (halls/dorms) for my first few weeks in Stellenbosch. Pictures are better from the outside! The name of the res was Concordia. Evidently those who reside there are "Con Personnel" ...
Newlands, the area with the cricket and rugby stadiums are, is located at the back of Table Mountain (Cape Town). A great backdrop for any sporting event, especially one which takes all day! With the beautful addition of a brewery between our view and the mountain. It was a one-day international cricket match ... but South Africa smoked Pakistan and it was over mid-afternoon. Plenty of time on the overcast and chilly day for us to get scorched by the sun (which wasn't even out!). Thank you Carla for the factor 50 sunscrean ... shame I didn't take it!
It's been almost the first question asked "Have you been to your first Braii?" ... BBQ/Cookout. I was introduced in style to the South African custom! And after the first course had settled we played a little garden cricket ... good times!
The first weekend I was here we drove around the Cape Peninsula. I think that it's what sold me on staying in South Africa - at least past day 3! That and the mountains and beaches. It's definitely more stunning to see in person, my camera skills don't do South Africa any justice!