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Sunday, May 27, 2007
South African Cheese Festival
Here we are at the South African Cheese Festival. A small fee to get in and you can taste as much cheese, wine and chocolate as you can get your hands on! Surprisingly to us, this didn't turn into a riot! Rather it was quite a civil affair with families and everyone making a day of it. Of course, no cheese festival would be complete without Helga's cheese fondue!
A late entry - the trip back from Namibia!
The English guy (obviously!) Rich, Rebecca, me and Judith
Sorry, I have been trying to keep things in order but just realised that I didn't post these pictures of our trip back from Namibia. One must be enlightened to the service station (gas stations) along the way! Thankfully we didn't travel back in the slow-vehicles with the rest of the group but we met up briefly to pass on a phone and take a few pictures! Unfortunately 4 days in the middle of nowhere did nothing for my clothes choice! And it was quite chilly when we set off early from basecamp!
The South African Flag and Goodbye to Ishmael!
World Cup 2010!
The rest of the day at the wharf
Some Influencial Peace Prize Winners ...
The Cape Town Aquarium
Here we are at the Aquarium in Cape Town. Most of the pictures of the creatures didn't turn out due to the flash of my camera. That includes the seriously large crabs which look like sci-fi film scary creatures (and to prevent nightmares I haven't included them here!).
Ohio University Reunion!!
There have been a few complaints that I don't post enough people on my blog :o) So here is a pic of our Ohio University International people reunion! Katie arrived to work in Cape Town in April and her and Craig came to visit Stellenbosch! Craig, Katie and I were all students at Ohio University so it's a grand reunion in South Africa! The only person we need is our dear helper Kyle or the bird cage to make the group complete! Tis lovely to have Craig and Katie close by!
Day 3 on the River!
We found it easier to stop at the end of the river than manouvering splits in the river on day 2! Here we are at the end our our 55km down the Orange River. Amazing, spectacular scenery the whole way. And not a drop of rain! Infact the factor 50 came in useful for more than just my Scottish skin!! Although I did return with some rather varied tan (or burn) lines!
Day 2 on the River!
Day 2 on the river was a little more eventful! After lunch I rafted with Rebecca and evidently we managed to lose everyone in the group! We knew that there was a couple of rafts behind us (out of sight) and everyone else ahead (also out of sight). We enjoyed the sunshine and chat and managed to manouver without too many problems ... until the river split! Of course we took the wrong side and ended up walking with our raft. We graciously pointed out to the rafts behind us (which caught up) that they should take the other course, which they did. And sailed on by without offering to help! But we made it to the 2nd night's camp - only 2 hours after everyone else!
Needless to say when Europeans get together (even on a river in South Africa) there's always someone who brings a football!
Day 1 on the Orange River!
We set off from basecamp on Day 1. The river was amazing - very peaceful (certainly no "white water" components). We spent the first night in Namibia. After climbing out of the boats, pulling them up the embankment we made camp. Little did we know that where we were sleeping was actually a walk way for the goat herders. The next day we found that they actually walk faster than we raft :o) There is always a token English guy on trips like this ... who brings his own tent! And who incidently wears a Batman outfit to raft down the river! The rest of us slept under the stars and rafted in our swim-suits!
Basecamp on the Orange River
The first and last night of the trip we stayed at basecamp. Beautiful surroundings! We stayed on the South African side of the river but the other side of the river is Namibia. We slept out under the stars (and the beasties) after a drink or two at the "local pub"!!
Heading North to Namibia!
Here we are driving up towards Namibia to the Orange River. The terrain becomes more desert as you get further north in South Africa. We traveled in rather bizarre looking vehicles that didn't take the hills too quickly! Even at the "toilet stops" there wasn't much to hide behnd!! At each estimation the journey got longer ... and from Stellenbosch to the Orange River took about 12 hours.
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