Within about 2 weeks I was back at the game lodge with Kiera and Mindy (I should get tourist-points or frequent-animal-visit points!). Kiera and Mindy both took some amazing pictures and I have borrowed a few here, but most of these are mine - unless I'm in it, or it's good!! Retief was our guide and I had another successful visit to the animals! As well as a few surprises!! Thank you.

Mindy and I. It's better to sit BESIDE Mindy because when any terror is near she yells for the back row to be dropped to pacify the approaching animal (this time in the form of a running elephant!).
Mr Wildebeeste at sunset.

The elephants were again on good form. They were down a revene so we drove a bit closer thinking "how quickly can an elephant get out of a revene?" ... the answer ... quicker than you'd think!! Another visit to the elephants and another welcoming chase with flapping ears.

I love this picture of Mindy on the front of the vehicle and Kiera having just climbed down! Thankfully there is a fence between us and the cheetah :-)

The girls and Retief