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Day 7 - All done!
After a long time in the shower we emerged clean and tidy, with some serious sunburn and enjoyed dinner together and some Kilimanjaro beer.

Tina & Rachael

Mel & Elspeth

Carl & Charlie

Beulah & I

Dinner together: Randy, Charlie, Rachael, Tina, Elspeth, Liz, Mel, Chris, Beulah & Carl

Charlie & I

Amongst one of the things that I took to basecamp (but not in the 15kg bag that we were allowed to take up the mountain) was my duct tape .... I had read (!) that it's good for anything and a must for trecking up Kilimanjaro!! But, that and the other 10kg of useful nonsense that I'd read about was left at the basecamp! Turned out it would have been useful ... so I told Chris :o)
Leaving from Kilimanjaro Airport ... it was a bit more like a bus station!

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